The Quintessence of The Masters

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It sounds like science has provided reasonable evidence for some of the teachings of old.  What about that hidden element of ancient times, call it “Prana”, “Rvch (Ruach), “Divine Breath”, “The First Matter of the Great Work”, “L.V.X”, “Astral Light”, or “Ether”?

LHC Large Hadron Collider
Curtsy: LHC Large Hadron Collider
In 1964 Peter Higgs postulated the existence of a field which provides the means for elementary particles to acquire mass.1  When the Large Hadron Collider's construction was completed in 2008 the means for proving the existence of the Higgs boson was possible.  Finally, on July 4, 2012, the CMS and the ATLAS experimental teams independently announced that they each confirmed the formal discovery of the Higgs boson and by the observation of it, proving the existence of the Higgs field.2  The interaction of this particle's field has an effect on the principal behavior of every other particle at the most fundamental level.

A common description of the Higgs field and how it imparts mass to particles is to imagine a very popular movie star attempting to walk into the Academy Awards ceremony.  The crowd of people will rush the movie star slowing down their ability to move.  When someone unknown attempts to walk past the same crowd of people, they will walk unnoticed and will not be slowed down at all.  In this same way, some particles like electrons move through the Higgs field without notice thereby gaining no measurable mass while other particles interact with the field causing them to exhibit measurable mass.

CERN The Higgs Boson
Curtsy: CERN 
The discovery of the Higgs particle demonstrates that this first primordial subatomic element provided the single influence that caused all subsequent elements to congeal into a structure forming our universe.  Further, its influence continues to permeate all things at the elementary levels.  This description of the Higgs field is virtually the same as that provided by the esoteric teacher’s postulations of Prana, Rvch, et. all.

Without mass, gravity would not exist, and atoms would not have come together to form the first hydrogen clouds.  Einstein explained the gravitational force as an energy well affecting a curvature in space-time induced by mass.3  His theory is commonly illustrated by a stretched sheet of rubber representing space-time and the creation of a cavity or dimple in the sheet, which represents gravity, by the placement of a bowling ball in its center, illustrating the introduction of a large mass.  If a billiard ball were then placed on the sheet as an example of a second smaller mass, it would appear to be attracted towards the bowling ball demonstrating the behavior of the gravitational force.


1 Higgs, Peter “Broken Symmetries and the Masses of Gauge Bosons: Physical Review Letters 13 (16) 508-509

2 CMS collaboration Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC: Physics Letters B 716 (1) 30-61

3 Einstein, Albert General Theory of Relativity: 1916

First © March 29, 2013

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