The Last Generation
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Although the finely honed, surgical methodologies of science have provided wondrous support and evidence of the ancient philosophies and teachings, they come to us with a double edge. The certainties these methodologies portray eliminate the needs and indeed the desire for the aspects of hope and imagination. This loss has had a dramatic effect upon the religious followings and spiritual guidance in general. Almost all organizations based on non-dogmatic or unapproved belief systems are viewed as fictional entities by today’s younger generations. This younger generation has been given the impression that no work is needed to actually explore and uncover their own truths since “…scientist are paid to do that after all, aren’t they?” If it is a “real” truth, they figure it will be served to them by its media splash or “…tweet”.
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Steadfast as these generations are, there appears to be a void within their sterile existence from which they are seeking what all generations have sought; meaning and purpose. There has been a dramatic increase of interest in the nontraditional teachings in recent year by younger people taste testing their way through the various disciplines attempting to find the “truth”. Even Masonry has benefited by this hunger with the increase of initiates since its recent exhibition in popular novels and television shows portraying the existence of hidden wisdom. What we have witness is a desire for tangible substance, disciplined teachings, and sustainable structure. After exhausting the plethora of knowledge that is now easily obtainable thru the internet, they come to us seeking the secret knowledge we portray to have been charged with, that of the esoteric teachings of our founders.
Fortunately, as in all dualities of nature, a third state exists at Equilibrium. It is at this point where science, esoteric teaching and religion should be reunified to show that each support the other. Where one is lacking, the other can fulfill. It is science that provides the proof of that which is taught and it is the esoteric teaching that provides the method to achieve that which is believed. These two points join to provide the foundation supporting the need for mediation, faith, prayer, reflection, focus, mental discipline and ultimately reconnection to our higher self’s. This reconnection then illuminates both the teachings and scientific discoveries to move us forward into a new boundless future.
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Rav Michael Laitman PhD |
Many teachers of the Kabbalah have come forward stating NOW is the time to reveal their sacred teaching as prophesied for the "Last Generation".1 These teaching once taught only to the few worthy and dedicated people are now open to anyone to decipher and assess without religious bias.2 The speed at which we are now discovering new facts of our existence is unprecedented in known history. For the mistakes of our history to not repeat causing the loss of all we have achieved we need to balance the influx of this new knowledge with the wisdoms of the past. We need to provide the future generations with all the knowledge so they can create a sustainable harmonious future of their own imagining. This will both empower them as co-creators and makes them responsibility for their co-creations.
1 Yehuda Leib Ha-Levi Ashleg The Writings of The Last Generations: Bni Baruch (2003-2023)
2 Science of Connection and KabU: KabU and Bni Baruch (2003-2023)
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