Gifts, as Below so Above

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What joy there is in obsessing over what Gift to give to our dearest Loved ones, whether it be a child, partner, parent, or friend. We are excited even more when our gift will be a surprise. The emotions are stimulated with every imagined item, presentation, and fulfilling moment possible within our abilities and sometimes, even above our means.

Generally speaking, this leaves a positive impression with all...

Then comes the time of actually living the occasion, experiencing the delight and joy as you watch the manifestation of the desire turn into reality. Unfortunately, this immediately shifts focus from the receiver to the expectations of the giver, often fostering disappointment, resentment, and even anger when the gift isn't received as imagined. Even when giving with an altruistic intention, reception is what our ego demands.

Our ego celebrates the acquisition of material goods and the immediate gratification it brings. Most receive without fully appreciating the deeper spiritual and emotional connections involved in the action. This has led to a sense of entitlement and diminished the true essence of gift-giving, which is all about gratitude, mutual benefit, and Love (The Completion of Others).

And what of those who have no money or possessions to give as Gifts? Are they destine for socially outcast and being shamed for existing?  That can not be, since the Gift to be able to Bestow, to Give Selflessly, is guaranteed to all by the Creator.  What then is a true Gift and how is it given?

We need to remember that our thoughts, actions, and intentions are the tools through which we manifest, first spiritually and then corporeally. When we cultivate a harmonious connection, we open ourselves to a continuous flow of mutually supportive and completing spiritual forces. A true Gift that keeps on giving, propagating longer and farther then the physical experience itself.

When Nature gives, it gives without any conditions or expectations, equally to all creatures. When we mimic, mirror, and behave like Nature, our small force is coupled and amplified by Nature, fulfilling both the receiver and giver. This process requires a deep, conscious effort to focus on giving, while in the act of receiving. To be grateful and considerate of the Who, that is giving.

In the intricate Tapestry of Life, the gifts from higher realms mirror the manifestations in our physical world. This law, often called "as above, so below," reveals the profound connection between spiritual and material planes. By understanding and aligning with this universal truth, we unlock hidden potential and harness these divine gifts for personal and collective evolution.

Dr. Michael Laitman provides an amazing allegory often referred to as "The Guest and The Host" in his book Attaining The Worlds Beyond, to exemplify this state. It illustrates how the act of receiving can be transformed into an act of giving when done with the Right Intention, Completing the cycle of true Gift-giving. By embracing this Wisdom, we can foster deeper connections, mutual respect, and a more harmonious existence.

* This article includes areas of modification and suggestion by ChatGPT.  The biggest shout out was their ability to locate a full textual reference to the above allegory (no small feat as it took many attempts).,  Thank you for the free trial and experience.


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