
Showing posts from July, 2024

Gifts, as Below so Above

AI Generated Free Photo from Pixabay What joy there is in obsessing over what Gift to give to our dearest Loved ones, whether it be a child, partner, parent, or friend. We are excited even more when our gift will be a surprise. The emotions are stimulated with every imagined item, presentation, and fulfilling moment possible within our abilities and sometimes, even above our means. Generally speaking, this leaves a positive impression with all... Then comes the time of actually living the occasion, experiencing the delight and joy as you watch the manifestation of the desire turn into reality. Unfortunately, this immediately shifts focus from the receiver to the expectations of the giver, often fostering disappointment, resentment, and even anger when the gift isn't received as imagined. Even when giving with an altruistic intention, reception is what our ego demands. Our ego celebrates the acquisition of material goods and the immediate gratification it brings. Most receive withou