
Gifts, as Below so Above

AI Generated Free Photo from Pixabay What joy there is in obsessing over what Gift to give to our dearest Loved ones, whether it be a child, partner, parent, or friend. We are excited even more when our gift will be a surprise. The emotions are stimulated with every imagined item, presentation, and fulfilling moment possible within our abilities and sometimes, even above our means. Generally speaking, this leaves a positive impression with all... Then comes the time of actually living the occasion, experiencing the delight and joy as you watch the manifestation of the desire turn into reality. Unfortunately, this immediately shifts focus from the receiver to the expectations of the giver, often fostering disappointment, resentment, and even anger when the gift isn't received as imagined. Even when giving with an altruistic intention, reception is what our ego demands. Our ego celebrates the acquisition of material goods and the immediate gratification it brings. Most receive withou


AI Generated Free Photo from Freepik In our modern age, it is more and more difficult to relate to the idea of having to “build”, “repair”, or “repurpose” something with our own hands.   For many people, we live in a disposable society and age.   We simply go out, “buy” what we want, and then dispose of it after it no longer provides us satisfaction. This concept of disposability has even been perpetuated into our societal views of appropriate treatment of human life.   To Corporations, people are simply replicable “cogs” of production.   To the Strong, the ruled are soulless “slaves” of labor.   To many Religious Radicles, people are ignorant children to be disciplined into dogma for conformity and control. We are Evolved  though! As part of wearing that title, we need to practice the precepts of building, repairing, and recycling.   We cannot be expected to produce a Master work of art without education, practice, and repetition.   “Handcrafting MAN one at a time” from such a divers

Prayer, the Other definition

AI Generated Free Photo from Pixabay   “Let us take a moment in Prayer and Meditation.”    I have often heard at spiritual gatherings these words used.   It could be viewed that both words are used simply as an inclusive communication style to lead both traditional religious and Humanitarian based believers together in contemplation. AI Generated Free Photo I think today many people of western culture are having amazing experience with meditation and that it is beginning to be better understood.   Prayer however has always been left to the Religions to define and sometimes enforce.   In some commercialized religions saying a “prayer” has become synonyms to saying “Give Me”. There is one definition of the word Prayer I am beginning to appreciate and believe has more in common with meditation and other esoteric practices than I realize. Prayer / prer /: “ The act of self-analysis or self-appraisal. ” For me, this definition is an expression of a Soul Desire for the reception of a Balanc

Man Manifests using Focused Intention with Desire

AI Generated Free Photo from Vecteezy.  Saying someone is going to manifest something can conjure up images in the mind of magic being performed.  We see daily, however, that people manifest numerous events, feelings,  and even objects by simply focusing their intentions on a desired condition.  From there the subconscious begins endless calculations on what is necessary for obtaining the goal, with the least amount of personal effort possible (the law of conservation of energy). Clearly, no magic is required if our subconscious does it automatically but there is an implication that certain abilities and understandings are needed to be successful. AI generated Free Photo from Vecteezy The same is true for spirituality in regards to manifesting forces of connection, peace, faith, and a like.   It requires abilities and understanding of focusing intention but toward spiritual desires instead.  The challenge for most in gaining the appropriate understanding in overcoming self, your percep

The Last Generation

AI Generated Free Photo.  Although the finely honed, surgical methodologies of science have provided wondrous support and evidence of the ancient philosophies and teachings, they come to us with a double edge.   The certainties these methodologies portray eliminate the needs and indeed the desire for the aspects of hope and imagination.   This loss has had a dramatic effect upon the religious followings and spiritual guidance in general.   Almost all organizations based on non-dogmatic or unapproved belief systems are viewed as fictional entities by today’s younger generations.   This younger generation has been given the impression that no work is needed to actually explore and uncover their own truths since “…scientist are paid to do that after all, aren’t they?”   If it is a “real” truth, they figure it will be served to them by its media splash or “…tweet”. Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code Steadfast as these generations are, there appears to be a void within their sterile existence fr

5 Kabbalistic Worlds: Reference Chart

In Kabbalistic teachings, the Thought of Creation, of which occurred above space and time instantly for the Creator, manifested 5 worlds each diluting the transmission of the surrounding Light of  Ein Sof (Ohr Ein Sof) to the lower worlds until all the surrounding light was restricted from the 5th world (Assiya) where our forms are manifested.  Only sparks of the Light of Ein Sof remained after a 125 degrees decent into Assiya where they reside in the hearts of people providing the opportunity for free choice in reuniting and resonating their sparks into ascension.  <   Reference Charts   > 

The Creators Butterfly

AI Generated Free Photo.  The creator’s butterfly is the Higgs Particle.   This invisible particle, too small for detection by any instrument, is responsible for all that exists in our physical realm.   When it flapped its wings it produced a field effect upon nearby particles forcing them to slow down and combine with other particles.   Eventually these particles congealing into atoms, collected into clouds, condensed into stars, then exploding all known elements into existence igniting the perpetual cycle of destruction and creation.   This is what was described over 5000 years ago as the Hindu’s breath of Brahma. 1   Credit: Augusto / Adobe Stock) The entangled inter-relationships between all things become very apparent when viewed from the perspective of the butterfly effect.   It also brings to mind the concept of Maya or the tapestry of life.   The removal or pulling of even 1 thread can cause the entire tapestry to change or fall apart.   Evolution has taught us that one mutatio