About Me

A. Zero

"Until a person agrees to diminish himself to zero, to one point, he will not enter the state of the embryo. It is necessary to feel this well in order to understand where this eye of a needle through which one penetrates into the spiritual world is located."

~ Dr. Michael Laitman ~

Phillip See

It has been a long Journey with many, many dives into theologies, philosophies, and wisdoms to find a source of that which has governed my existence into what is now a balding, gray haired old man.  A bit more salty and warn I can laugh with my friend who calls me "Red Button Man".  Apparently the crossing of Curious George with a generous portion of Murphy's Law produces a statistically violating force repeatedly exhibited over years of traveling across the European continent.

This is only to say, the attempt to find an all encompassing answer to what governs such mysterious forces was a bit like looking for the "Grand Unification Theory".  Yet as the sages of old promised, a plausible, even highly probable and scientifically provable wisdom was finally revealed to the masses and answers were provided.  It is now up to me to internalize and scrutinize their application in my life.


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